Legislative Branch

Video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/17355-the-legislative-branch-the-us-legislative-branch-video.htm

This video gives a general overview of The Legislative Branch.

Time: ~8 Minutes

Intended Audience: high intermediate to advanced learners. High School to Adult students are recommended.

Comprehension Questions

1. What two houses make up Congress?

2. How many Senators would Iowa receive?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4

3. Name one of the two plans of The Great Compromise. Explain what it did.

4. List two requirements for a Senator.

5.  List one requirement for a Representative.

6. When do the two houses meet jointly?

a. for an annual State of the Union Address
b. During Elections
c. When President or foreign dignitaries address both houses
d. All of the above

7. Where is most of the time spent considering legislation?

8. Where does a Bill go after it goes through the committee?

9. Ture/False. A 2/3rds vote can override a President’s veto.

10. Name one other responsibilitiy for Congress.

Review of the executive branch video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/27249-the-legislative-branch-the-legislative-branch-review-video.htm

The review can be a good video to use after you have shown the first video. This can summarize some main points of the presidency and Executive Branch. This will be limited mainly to facts.

Video Quiz: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/27250-the-legislative-branch-the-legislative-branch-quiz-video.htm

The video quiz can be used to help students have the information reviewed after the video to fill in parts of the comprehension assignment above that may be unclear, or just to give a good overview of the information that was presented. I would recommend:

1) Form groups of threes or vary it depending upon class size

2) Next, present one question from the video link and then pause it.

3) Give each group 2-3 minutes to discuss the video and give their interpretations to their classmates.

4) Call on one group to present their answer.

5) Repeat 2-4 for each question.

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